Where can I find login credentials for the Resideo app (formerly the Honeywell Home app)?
Each unit's Resideo app account credentials can be found by tapping “Start” on the Honeywell devices in the relevant unit's installation template on the Brilliant mobile app.
Why am I getting a Honeywell error message when trying to mark an installation for a unit as complete?
You may be receiving a Honeywell error if you tried marking the installation as complete too soon after pairing Honeywell devices with the Resideo app.
Your Honeywell devices must be added to the unit’s Brilliant home before you can mark an installation as complete, which can take up to 5 minutes after the devices are paired with the Resideo app.
You can verify if your Honeywell devices have been added to the unit’s Brilliant Home by checking if they appear under Unconfigured on the Climate Devices screen of the Brilliant mobile application.
To illustrate this, the images below show an example scenario where a unit’s Honeywell devices include a Honeywell thermostat and a Honey leak detector. In the image marked by the red X, the Climate Devices screen only displays the leak detector, so the installation cannot be marked as complete yet.
In the image marked by the green checkmark, the Climate Devices screen displays both the leak detector and the thermostat, so the installation can now be marked as complete.
PLEASE NOTE: The Climate button will only appear on the Devices tab of the Home screen after at least one climate device has been added to the unit’s Brilliant home (as shown in the leftmost image below). |
If this issue persists, please reach out to your Brilliant contact.
Why can’t I pair a Honeywell device with the Resideo app?
Your Brilliant contact can help you find the right Resideo/Honeywell support materials or representative to resolve your issue. For reference, Honeywell support materials for pairing Honeywell devices with the Resideo app can be found at https://www.resideo.com/us/en/support/apps/.