In your Advanced Settings, there is a setting called Root SSH Login. In order to activate this setting, you will need to verify your identity with your email.
When enabled, Root SSH gives you system administrator privileges on your Brilliant Control. These privileges allow you to make arbitrary changes to the Brilliant Control's software. Brilliant recommends against enabling this feature unless all of the following are true:
- You are a knowledgeable command line user of Unix-like system operating systems.
- You have a reason for wanting Root SSH access to your Brilliant Control.
- You understand that any changes you make may prevent the Brilliant Control from installing software updates or stop it from functioning.
- You do not intend to transfer your Brilliant Control to another person. Once Root SSH is enabled a Brilliant Control, that Control will forever be flagged as having been possibly manipulated.
Brilliant will never instruct you to enable this setting or ask you for the credentials for your device.
Because Root SSH users can make arbitrary changes to the Brilliant Control, once you enable this setting Brilliant can no longer guarantee the integrity of the software on your Brilliant Control.
If you are configuring a Brilliant Control and receive a message that your device had Root SSH enabled previously, this indicates someone previously activated Root SSH on the Brilliant Control and could potentially have altered its software. In principle, carefully crafted software changes could persist even if you perform Reset All Settings or Recovery Mode reinstallation.