Please first confirm that your multi-way configuration has been properly set up as per this guide.
3-Way Configuration (Light is controlled by 2 different Brilliant Controls):
Which Brilliant Control is connected to line?
- This control should be set to "Always On" by going to Settings --> Light --> under Device Info tap Re-configure Light --> Controlled by ONE light/device --> Power Outlet (Always On).
- Note: For 2+ Switch Brilliant Controls, you need to do this for each separate light.
Which Brilliant Control is connected to load?
- Configure this control by going to Settings --> Light --> under Device Info tap Re-configure Light --> Controlled by ONE light/device --> Proceed to setting up each light to the type of configuration desired. In this scenario, we are effectively setting up this Brilliant Control as the “Primary switch”, and the remaining control will serve as remote controls for the primary switch.
Go back to the Brilliant control connect to line. After doing the above, you now need to configure this line side control to be a remote control for the Primary switch (load side).
For 1 Switch Brilliant Controls:
Go to Settings --> Gesture--> Make sure "Single Finger Gesture" is ON --> In the dropdown menu under Single Finger Gesture, choose the light/device that is connected to load.
For 2+ Switch Brilliant Controls:
Go to Settings --> Sliders --> Make sure "Slider # Controls:" is ON --> In the dropdown menu under Device, choose the corresponding light/device that is connected to load. Do this for each slider.
4-Way Configuration (Light is controlled by 3 different light switches):
If all of the switches are Brilliant:
Which Brilliant Control is connected to line?
- This control should be set to "Always On" by going to Settings --> Light -->under Device Info tap Re-configure Light --> Controlled by ONE light/device --> Power Outlet (Always On).
Which Brilliant Control is the middle switch?
- This control should be set to "Always On" by going to Settings --> Light -->under Device Info tap Re-configure Light --> Controlled by ONE light/device --> Power Outlet (Always On).
Which Control is connected to load?
- Visit Settings --> Light and set each light to the configuration you want. For the question "Is this light controlled by multiple switches?" select "No".
Go back to the Brilliant control connect to line
- Go to Settings --> Sliders --> Make sure "Slider # Controls:" is ON --> In the dropdown menu under Device, choose the corresponding light/device that is connected to load.
Go back to the middle switch
- Go to Settings --> Sliders --> Make sure "Slider # Controls:" is ON --> In the dropdown menu under Device, choose the corresponding light/device that is connected to load.
In this scenario, we are effectively setting up one Brilliant control as the “Primary switch”, and the remaining controls will serve as remote controls for the primary switch.
If there are a combination of Brilliant and rocker/toggle switches:
- Which Control is closest to load? On this control, please visit Settings --> Light Settings and make sure that the light is configured to say that there ARE multiple switches controlling the light.
- Rename this light so you will remember it in future steps.
- On all other Brilliant Controls on the multi-way circuit, please visit Settings --> Light Settings and "Re-Configure" this light to be NOT Multi-way and to be set to "Always On"
Setting Gestures and Sliders
To control the Primary light on any other Brilliant Control using a single finger swipe or slider gesture, please visit Slider Settings or Interaction Settings to appropriately set the device.
For more information, please try:
We are currently in progress on a user-friendly way to guide you through this process. Stay tuned!