Released on 1/24/2019 (auto-updated on 1/25/2019).
Home Settings
We've separated out a "Home" section under "Settings" to make it easier to navigate. When you click on "Home Settings", you can change the name of your home and view the email address associated with it.
Gesture Tutorial Videos
We heard your feedback, and now you are no longer asked to watch gesture tutorial videos each time you manually adjust a light assigned to an existing gesture.
They are still available to view under Interaction Settings whenever you would like!
Other Updates
In this release, we also issued updates for the following:
- We fixed an issue with WiFi that may have prompted you to input your password multiple times before connecting.
- An improved user experience for multi-way, low wattage lighting.
- Fixed a bug that allowed multiple intercom broadcasts to the same home at the same time.