Released on 1/15/2019 (auto-updated on 1/16/2019)
New Feature: Control Settings Screen
- We separated Light Settings and Control Settings for clarity, so users understand naming the light is different than naming the Control.
Toggle and Slider UI Updates
- As part of our UX updates, we have tried to indicate to users when devices are OFF vs ON.
- Orange = ON, OFF = Gray
Sonos and Room Navigational Elements
- We’ve added simple UX changes to make it easier for users to interact with Sonos speakers when not playing music, better indicators for when users are.
- We’ve also standardized how users can navigate through different rooms with an outline around the room name.
New Feature: Alexa On/Off Indicator
- When Alexa is now configured fully, we will display indicator text for additional clarity.
Various Fixes: Ring, Wemo, Lock Status
- The following issues were resolved in this release:
- Brilliant not updating lock status when the physical August lock is manually turned
- Brilliant not updating lock status when changed through the August mobile app
- Ring Live View not appearing
- Not being able to log into Ring on the 1st attempt.
- Light type option for Wemo being auto-unselected.