Release v19.01.30

Released on 2/6/2019 (auto-updated on 2/7/2019). 

New! Featured Album Art

  • Check out a new library called "Featured" under Photos tab on your Mobile App or under Display Settings with new photos. 
  • Enable the album or specific photos by following instructions on the Control or Mobile App

Updates to First Use Flow

  • We have made significant updates that should speed up the first use flow while setting up your device.
  • These updates are only if you are on the v19.01.30 release at the time of device setup. 

Simplification of Interaction Settings

  • We have simplified Interaction Settings on your Control to simplify what the single finger and two finger gesture do within your home. 

Other Updates

  • Clarification on Display Settings to let you know how Display Settings can work with Motion Control.
  • Simplification of editing scene actions to prevent you from duplicating actions.
  • While Adding Devices, if there are multiple device types for that integration (ie. Hue Lights vs Light Groups), it will display them within the flow.



