Released on 4/8/2019 (auto-updated on 4/9/2019)
New Audio Settings
- You can now control Media and Alert volumes separately on the Brilliant control.
- Media volume includes intercom audio, voice assistant audio, and doorbell audio during communication.
- Alert volume includes intercom ring, voice assistant notifications, and doorbell notifications.
Alexa Commands: Named Timers and Reminders
- Previously, you could not set named timers and reminders using Alexa on your Brilliant.
- Try this out now through Alexa by using some of the below commands:
- Set a timer with Alexa. (eg. "Alexa, set a timer for 30 seconds.")
- Set a named timer, like when you cook, with Alexa. (eg. "Alexa, set a cooking timer for 30 seconds.")
- Set a reminder with Alexa. (eg. "Alexa, remind me to take the trash out on Tuesday at 8AM.")
Other Updates
- Alerting the user to increase awareness when a device is reconfigured, removed, or reset on your Brilliant Control.
- Sonos UX improvements in the Now Playing screen.
- Slider UI updates to improve volume control of music and speakers from your Brilliant Control.
- Your custom art/photo uploads will display from newest to oldest in your Custom Art library.