Multi-way circuits are controlled by more than one switch, meaning you can turn your light on and off from more than one location. A common instance of this is when you can control your stairway lights with switches located at both the top and bottom of a stairway.
Not all multi-way configurations are compatible with Brilliant. However, by making the right changes, you can make your Brilliant work with your multi-way circuit. You can learn more about which configurations are compatible here.
If you have a dimmer anywhere in your multi-way circuit, you can easily replace it with an on/off switch. This is an easy and inexpensive way to make turn your incompatible configuration into one that works with your Brilliant. These Leviton Rockers are classic and simple to install.
We currently do not support a four-way configuration with the Brilliant placed in the middle of the circuit.
If this is your desired configuration, the best way to make this compatible is to purchase another Brilliant! You need to put a Brilliant at either end of the circuit, you can choose which end makes the most sense for you.
To purchase another Brilliant, check out our product line here.