If your light turns OFF when you try to turn it ON (e.g. You swipe up on your screen/slider and the light turns off instead of on), and visa versa , it is likely due to your wiring configuration. To fix this issue, please follow the instructions below:
- Turn the circuit breaker to your light switch OFF
- Remove the wall unit so you can access the wires
- Locate the "L1" and "L2" terminals for the problematic switch
- Note: For multi-switch Brilliant Controls, the left-most "L1" and "L2" terminals correspond to the left-most slider (if the front of the Brilliant Control is facing you)
- Take the wire that is currently connected to "L1" and connect it to "L2" instead. Take the wire that was connected to "L2" and connect it to "L1"
- Secure your Brilliant Control back into your electrical box/wall.
- Turn your power breaker back ON
- Re-test your lights
If you light status/controls are still inverted, please contact support@brilliant.tech