ButterflyMX Integration

How Does Brilliant Integrate with ButterflyMX? 

Brilliant connects to your building's ButterflyMX panel, and allows you to interact with and control it in the following ways: 

  • Open any ButterflyMX-connected door 
  • View a preview image of visitors 
  • Talk to visitors through your Brilliant control
  • Decline incoming calls from visitors 
  • Add ButterflyMX in your scene actions 

Setting up ButterflyMX with your Brilliant Control(s)

Before connecting a ButterflyMX device to your Brilliant home, please make sure that you have properly configured your ButterflyMX account (e.g. through their website or mobile app). 

  1. Brilliant Control > Home Screen 
  2. Bottom tray > Add Device > ButterflyMX 
  3. Follow on-screen instructions to configure ButterflyMX to your home 

Additional Options and Troubleshooting for your ButterflyMX device with Brilliant 

  • Please visit Advanced Settings for your device to remove or reset your ButterflyMX configuration in your Brilliant home. 
  • If you have issues with your entire ButterflyMX Integration, please try resetting the entire integration and re-adding your device to your Brilliant home. 
    • If you are not receiving ButterflyMX notifications on your Brilliant, check the notification default setting in the ButterflyMX app. This should be set to app notification.
  • To re-assign rooms for your ButterflyMX device, follow instructions here

